
Introducing the wanderer……

Hi again!! A very jolly and cheerful day to all.As you see,I have already come out of the cocoon of a newbie blogger and now am four posts old…..oh i do feel amazing 👼 but you don’t know me yet,not fair..right? Let us bridge the gap now.

wandering in my genes” might give you the feel that this blog will savor the taste of travelling to places alone but you are partly correct .Exploring new places and narrating of the same are definitely my major fortes but my blog is a wandering tale of mind, which will capture the literary,personal as well as the social aspects too.I reject any particular confinement in presenting any art form, so let the mind and soul prevail from one to another unchained,unruled.Thanks a tonne to wordspress for the free flow of my mind in this global platform amidst the aura of creative,vibrant minds.Much eager to get Enlightened.Thank you… ❤

12 thoughts on “Introducing the wanderer……”

  1. Hey, I just read some of your content and I can say that you are quite strong and I love reading about travel. Your experiences come across as personal and your images are perfect as well. If you want my feedback, it is to grow. Expand your horizons, and never look back. Your foundation with these first few posts is great, and what you should do now is grow. If I can make one suggestion, though, I would recommend Grammarly. It’s an editor that checks both spelling and grammar better than most editors do, and it is free as well. There are some mistakes I notice here and there, but don’t let this small nitpick deter you. If content matters the most, then you’ve got that! Best regards, Alex. 🙂

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